Sunday, February 8, 2015


Am i human? Or am i just another copy of something that's been before? Am I the only me that's ever been? Or am i number 2,455,230 of the same me that's been here before, done the same things, loved and hated, and cried about the most pointless things that I "should" be smiling about. Am I the only me or are we just another blade of grass in the field of relentlessness ready to be mowed by the hard things in what we call life. I'm not exactly sure if i'm human or not. But instead of worrying and writing this stupid ass post i'm gonna go be the best that number 2,455,230 can be.



  1. "instead of worrying about this stupid ass post im gonna go be the best that number 2,455,230 can be."

  2. Came accross your blog and I really liked this post. Your ending was perfect.
